Director of the Clinic for Aortic and Cardiovascular Surgery, Head of the Department of Cardiovascular Surgery and Invasive Cardiology, First Moscow State Medical University THEM. Sechenova, Head of the Department of Aortic Surgery, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor. Author of 5 monographs, 7 patents for inventions and more than 250 scientific papers. Deputy Editor-in-Chief of the journal Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery.

Komarov Roman Nikolaevich

Director of the Clinic for Aortic and Cardiovascular Surgery, Head of the Department of Cardiovascular Surgery and Invasive Cardiology, First Moscow State Medical University THEM. Sechenova, Head of the Department of Aortic Surgery, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor. Author of 5 monographs, 7 patents for inventions and more than 250 scientific papers. Deputy Editor-in-Chief of the journal Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery.


  • In 2000, he graduated with honors from the Nizhny Novgorod State Medical Academy.
  • Since 2000, he worked as a surgeon in the Pavlovsk Central District Hospital of the Nizhny Novgorod Region.
  • In 2002 he graduated from the clinical residency in general surgery.
  • In 2003, he completed a specialization in cardiovascular surgery.
  • Since 2007, a surgeon of the highest qualification category.
  • In 2004, the candidate of medical sciences defended the dissertation of the candidate of medical sciences.
  • Since 2010, Doctor of Medical Sciences ("Ways to improve the results of treatment of patients with thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysms).
  • From 2007 to 2012 worked as a senior fellow at the Department of Aortic Surgery and its branches RSCH them. Acad. B.V. Petrovsky RAMS.
  • From 2012 to 2015 Professor, Department of Cardiovascular Surgery and Invasive Cardiology, Head. Department of Aortic Surgery, Deputy. Director of the University Clinic of Aortic and Cardiovascular Surgery of the First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov.
  • From 2013 to 2015 He worked as the head of the Research Department of Surgery of the heart, aorta and blood vessels.
  • From 2013 to 2015 He was the executive secretary of the journal Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery.
  • C 2015 - Director of the Clinic for Aortic and Cardiovascular Surgery, Head of the Department of Cardiovascular Surgery and Invasive Cardiology of the First Moscow State Medical University named after THEM. Sechenova, Head of the Department of Aortic Surgery, Deputy Editor-in-Chief of the journal Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery.

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